Who Did It? 11/7/2017 [VIDEO]
What happens when a country star gets it wrong?
This country star was doing a show about 10 years ago at White River Amphitheatre in Auburn, Washington when he thought he saw a fan trying to attack a woman near the front row. This artist was beyond ticked, called security over and helped them haul this 280 pound dude onto the stage. It didn’t end there. The artist, went to punch the dude in the face and had to be held back by his own security team! They hauled the guy out and went on with the show.
It turns out the dude was at the show with his mom, dropped his cowboy hat and tripped over a chair as he tried to retrieve it…Oops! This artist called and apologized and things are ok now.
Who Did It? Tim McGraw
Check Out The Video!